Creative Journal Kit

Price: $12.95

Availability: in stock

Prod. Code: WAFFR



Need something creative to add to a gift that doesn't require an i-phone or computer for a child?  This unique child's gift will inspire their creativity. 

Blue 70 Cube Soft Book, $11.95 each:

The Soft Book mini journal is a fun-sized interactive journal. Personalize your journal cover by spelling out words and creating pixel art with assorted clip-on cubes! Pin your name, favorite quotes and words on your journal cover Compact sized journal - easy to carry 1 mini A7 sized journal ( 3"W x 4.25"H ) 70 alphabet and color clip-on cubes (assorted colors). Soft silicone cover 120 lined pages, cube size: 1"x 1" The mini clip-on cubes are not suitable for children under 6.  A burgundy bag for storing waff cubes is included (not shown). 

Red, Orange, or Blue 100 Cube Soft Book:

Same size soft book but has 100 cubes and a white bag for storing waff cubes, $12.95 each.

This gift may be added to any basket or shipped individually.